There are so many leftover lipsticks which we can't do anything but throw away.. So today I'm gonna tell you how you can make a Lip Balm with your leftover Lipsticks.

It is so easy to make a Lip Balm. It takes only 10 mins for the whole processing. So why not trying it at home??? :) 

Moreover, people need to do recycling.  Because - " Recycling Turns Things Into Other Things, which is like MAGIC" . You can also watch the video -

Here are the simple ingredients we need for making lip balms - 

INGREDIENTS              &             MEASUREMENT

Vaseline/Leftover Lip Balm               1 Tea Spoon

Coconut Oil                                     1 Tea Spoon

Leftover Lipsticks                             1/4 Tea Spoon or as much as you want
(Your Desired Color)     


1. Add Vaseline, Coconut Oil and your desired color lipstick into a bowl and melt the ingredients into a microwave for 30 seconds. If they do not melt well within 30 seconds, you can heat them some more seconds. 

2. After that, when they'll melt well, mix with a spoon and quickly pour them into a container. It is a fun part. Here, you can choose your desired container for the lip balms. Also can customize them with different color, quotes or with emoticons. :)

3. Allow the containers to sit for 30 Mins until the balm is solid. Then add the lids.. 

Yuppie... Your DIY Lip balm will be ready to use.. :D 


If you get the lip balm more liquid like texture, you can 

-add beeswax or a little bit candle wax.
-avoid coconut oil

If you want more vitamins in your lip balm, you can add 1 Vitamin E Capsule with the coconut oil. But then increase the measurement of the Vaseline. :D 

Hope you liked my writing.. Follow my blog and keep in touch :D :D 

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Love you my beauties and Be your own Kind of beautiful <3 


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