How to remove an Unwanted mole within two weeks !!!

Better known as beauty spot, mole can appear anywhere on your skin. People believe that mole can not be removed without doing laser surgeries. But here is some simple natural remedies I am providing to you- 

Remedy 1 : Garlic

Take a few cloves of garlic, crush them and apply them on the mole. Now fasten the garlic with a bandage on the mole and leave it over night.

Repeat this process until the mole falls off.

Caution: Garlic can create unnecessary irritation on to the skin. If your skin is sensitive like mine, apply garlic on the mole for just 15 minutes for testing. And then wash it off. If it suits your skin then the application time can be increased to overnight. If garlic create acne onto the mole do not afraid. Keep patience and repeat the process.

Note: Garlic create redness in the skin, so before applying it, apply some coconut oil on that mole's surrounded area. 

Remedy 2 : Pineapple Juice

Take some pineapple juice and apply it on the mole. Leave it over night. Rinse it with cold water in the morning.
Repeat this process until the mole falls off.

Remedy 3: Apple Cider Vinegar

Take some apple cider vinegar and apply it on the mole. Apple cider vinegar contain acidic ingredients which can help removing mole from the skin. Leave it over night.

Repeat this process until the mole falls off.

Caution: If anyone has sensitive skin, before going through this process apply it on the mole for 2-3 minutes. After 2-3 minutes wash it off. If it suits your skin then it can surely be applied on to the mole.

Remedy 4: Garlic and Salt

Take some garlic and salt. Make a paste with them. Apply it on your mole. You

can use this paste keeping it in the fridge. 

Caution: same goes like remedy 1

Remedy 5: Banana peel

Banana peel can also help removing moles. Apply on to the mole and leave it for 2 hours. Rinse it off and repeat this process until the mole falls off. 

I have tested all of these. And I found remedy 1, 3 and remedy 4 are the most effective ones. It works like magic. 

But yes, all that glitters is not gold. That means it varies from skin types to types. The moles which are on your skin from your birth, it can not be removed from the skin. But after birth, and after the age of 12, the moles generally grow on the 1st layer out of the seven layers of the skin, which is removable. And yes, you have to keep patience as sometimes it can take some more time. 

So, beauties I hope these remedies will help you to remove moles from the skin. These remedies are also applicable for removing spots. Please ask me if you have any queries in the comment section below :) :)
